Real Ad Writing Secrets: Mental Selling Strategies

If you were to look up ad writing secrets or sales copy secrets, ten to one you’d find the same old re-hashed and regurgitated information about titles and headlines, body and content and of course a call to action.

It’s the same thing when you look at solo ads and classified ads. For the most part, they are all the same, using the same language, just pointing to a different URL.

The sad fact is that most people are taught about the parts of sales copy or ad writing, and the best training they get about content is “be original,” then they put you on to another product with pre-written content that’s been sold to hundreds and even thousands of people.

I want to give you something different…

Ad Writing Secrets Is Really Not About What You Say

… nor is it really about how you say it; and at the same time, you also don’t have to use the same beat up, re-hashed language either. How many times have you seen this?

“Discover the secret,” “Free video reveals,” “Real income opportunity,” and on and on? There is a better way to be original and write creative, attractive, and effective ads. Are you ready for the “real” ad writing secrets?

The “Real” Ad Writing Secrets

The real ad writing secrets are:

  1. Understanding what it is that your potential client or customer really wants or needs.
  2. Connecting with them on a personal or emotional level.
  3. Communicating what you’re offering as a solution to fill that want or need.

Not too long ago I wrote about the strategy of storytelling as a way to reach out and connect with prospects, but there is also a mental aspect to ad writing and sales copy.

Learning to write sales copy and ad writing is just another part of learning how to sell, so it is actually a lead generation skill, as much as it is a writing skill.


1. Understanding needs and wants. The best way to explain this is with a quick statement: “Nobody who ever bought a drill wanted to buy a drill… they wanted to make a hole.”

Most people when they try to sell or write, spend all of their time writing about the features like how great the system is, the people, the support, and how easy it is.

And when they aren’t talking about that, they’re trying to sell the dream and sharing success stories and telling you all about how you can do it too.

Here’s the disconnect.

Most people who respond to ads are looking to solve a problem. You can’t write an ad to attract problems, then put them into a process that sells a dream. It works, to a point, but there’s a reason why average conversions are around 3% – THAT disconnect.

You have to identify the root cause of their problem and it’s not making money. Everybody wants to make more money (provided they don’t have funny mental hangups). You need to figure out the WHY before you can “offer a solution.”

Notice the language of offer a solution? Successful sales people don’t sell, they offer solutions to problems people have.

When you learn to identify problems and make what you’re offering fit within the parameters of “will this help solve or alleviate a problem,” or “will this satisfy a want, need or desire,” then you’re on the right track.

When it comes to ad writing secrets, that’s about as powerful as it gets. All that’s left is to learn how to connect with them on an emotional or personal level, then communicate that.

To learn how to do this, let me teach you three things you can do in order to get people to connect with you and WANT to buy from you.

Follow the link and enter your email address to learn the other two ad writing secrets.

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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