A Tricky Shark Technique To Beat Your Competitors

A Tricky Shark Technique To Beat Your Competitors
Earlier this morning I was part of a conversation centered around the challenges in business, when a graphic designer (I won’t mention her name) said that her biggest challenge is competition.

There are so many graphic designers that it’s hard to get any clients, so I offered a bit of insight and strategy that I’ve found useful in my own business when dealing with competitors and decided to share it with you.

Warning: This tricky shark technique to beat your competitors is powerful, and can be used for good or evil. How you use this strategy is entirely your responsibility.

A Tricky Shark Technique To Beat Your Competitors

Every business, even those in the same field are unique. Using the graphic designer as a working example, you can go from one graphic designer to another and have a different experience with each person, even though the work is exactly the same.

And as you go from potential client to potential client, you will find what I call the favorite’s phenomenon, where the potential client likes the graphic designer providing the service so much that they won’t go anywhere else for business. You talk to them and they won’t even hear you out.

Most times, (speaking from experience), when you hear something like, “Yeah, we have a guy that takes care of that, sorry,” it’s because the potential client like’s the graphic designer so much they want to stay with that person, oblivious to anyone else.

Where there is high loyalty, there is room to leverage that loyalty to edge on your competitor.

As I said, what you’re about to learn is a tricky shark technique to beat your competitors and what you do with it is entirely on you…

A Tricky Shark Technique To Beat Your Competitors

We are taught to solicit in business by being up front about who we are and what we’re doing and engage potential clients, so what do you do when your competitor’s game is so tight that potential client’s won’t even hear you out?

Answer: Leverage client loyalty.

The goal is to get two pieces of information. First you want to learn what the potential client wants and is missing, and secondly, what your competitor doesn’t provide.

To do that, call potential clients, not as yourself, but as a prospect client for their services, and start a conversation about what they offer, their prices, and so on. Then during that conversation, after they either send you something in the mail or send you to a website, you want to mention the graphics (continuing using the graphic designer as an example), that you like it;

Ask them also about what they think they’re missing in the graphics, maybe something that they’d like to see. Be curious, but move quickly during this part of the conversation.

This is where you leverage loyalty.

Then say you need a graphic designer to do some work for you, and ask them to refer you to your competitor. Most companies will refer you if they really like the person doing the work out of loyalty. If they do, contact your competitor as a referral and prospect client.

Then, during conversation find out all about what they offer, their pricing, what they don’t offer and so on, and do some good research. Keep an eye out and an ear open for something that your potential clients wants, but they don’t provide.

Concept: There are rarely any true “all in one” service that provides everything a company needs, and most times, there is a bit of sacrifice of what is wanted and find what is considered a “best fit” for their needs.

Now that you’re armed with what your potential client wants and what your competition doesn’t offer, you have room to negotiate and change your entire approach.

Now, when you approach a prospect client with a solicitation, don’t come at them from the point of replacing your competitor, but collaborating and fulfillment.

You can say that you specialize in whatever thing your potential client is missing, and they will know what they want that your competitor doesn’t provide. Most times they will begin to ask you questions about what you provide.

The idea is that most people are satisfied with what they have until they realize that they don’t have something that they want, and this technique is something that will help them get to the point where they are not just ready to listen, but eager to find out what you have to offer.

Concept: Competition is typically a win or lose scenario, but it doesn’t have to be. Instead, think of fulfillment. Finding out what your potential clients are lacking and what your competition doesn’t offer, then fill the gap.

Like I said, it’s a shark technique, but well worth the footwork.

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About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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