10 Sales To Freedom (The Power of Positioning)

The Power of Positioning
Happy Friday! It’s March 1st and it’s a cold, yet beautiful day here in North Carolina. We’re actually still sitting right at freezing (32F) as I’m writing this, but the sun is out, the skies are clear, and it’s really a pretty day. I’ve been working out and exercising in my room lately, but if it warms up I may pump up the tires and go for a nice ride!

Anyway I wanted to take a quick moment today and share a game-changing concept that has helped me put this whole “Empower thing” into perspective for myself. That is the perspective of “what do I need to do to make money as fast as possible?”

If you’re reading this and you’re not in Empower, don’t go because this concept is something that you can take with you no matter where you go and apply it to whatever you do, and make money quickly.

Also, go ahead and take advantage of this moment. Make the decision to sign up and get started with the basic membership for $25, because once you understand this concept, you’ll see just how easy it is to make money with this opportunity and why as much as 95% of people have never made money online before are making 100% commissions.

10 Sales To Freedom (The Power of Positioning)

Dexter Nelson - the power of positioningSo you know how this concept came about… when I first joined Empower I was already involved in a lot of different opportunities. I started out last year about three months in debt and I was signing up for stuff left and right just trying to make ends meet.

I was desperate in such a way that making money NOW was my top priority. I was literally selling all my stuff just to pay the bills and a lot of these opportunities, while I made money with some of them weren’t meeting my needs, but I did discover something very important.

I learned quickly how to position myself to make the most amount of money, as fast as possible with the opportunities I got into. And if you don’t mind me being honest, if it wasn’t for my desperation I may have never come up with this concept.

THE CONCEPT: Position yourself to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible, as easy as possible, by finding the best way to leverage the opportunity you’re building.

When people talk about the power of positioning they typically how to distinguish yourself from everyone else, but there is more than one way to position yourself so that you can succeed. Another one is story telling, but that’s for another day.

Here’s an example of what I was just talking about…

The Power of Positioning In Action!

Almost every opportunity has some system in place, right? They all have steps to follow, objectives to complete, but truth be told, most took forever to do!

I won’t name it here, but one of the program I was in, (if you’re familiar with opportunities where you have to complete free offers), had four or five of these programs and my job was to recruit others to join. When they completed their free offers, I got paid.

Well? With some of those offers, I had to wait weeks to get paid. I’d earn money today and have to wait a couple weeks for it to clear, then another week to be able to be available for transfer, then a week for them to transfer it, and so on. The problem was that it was taking WAY too long to get paid!

One of those offers however, paid just about every day. If someone signed up today and completed an offer, it would be available after a few days for me to transfer. So what I did was bypass all of the other stuff that took too long anyway, and recruited people to just that offer, and I was transferring money to my account every Friday and paying my bills.

That’s when I first discovered the power of positioning and it changed how I worked in my other opportunities… But how does that relate to Empower?

The Power of Positioning in Empower: 10 Sales to Freedom

Before you can apply the power of positioning, you first have to know the ins and outs of the program or opportunity you’re building. That’s a given…

You have to know the program and how it works and discover all of the ways in which you can make money. Ask yourself, ‘what’s the fastest way I can make the most amount of money?‘ Then go out, focus on those income-producing activities, and do it.

In Empower the goal is to make 2 sales a day for 90 days and everyone who has achieved that, to my knowledge, is making five and six figures a month, because of how the compensation plan works.

What I’ve found is that most people don’t know how to get started quickly and build momentum. This is concept is how I was able to go from being in Empower for months with only two sales, and having my earnings from Empower pay all of my bills in two months, since the start of the new year.

Why 10 Sales?

I won’t break down the entire comp plan to you here. What I am going to do is show you how to apply the power of positioning to the first two products and how you can make fast residual income.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Just because I’m talking about only two products doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get all of the others! The power of positioning is all about making the MAXIMUM potential income, so you want to “go all in” by purchasing all of the products as soon as you’re able to so you can get those nice “cash cow” $1,000+ days.

So why 10 sales?

The first product in Empower is the blogging platform and it pays out $25.00 a month. The second product, the Inner Circle pays out $100.00 a month. Then you have a program fee of $19.95 a month. So, $144.95 is your total monthly overhead in Empower, and it pays 100% commissions so you break even on your very first sale of each product, (which makes this one of the fastest ways to make money online I’ve seen so far).

I tell all of my new members to get your first 10 sales as soon as possible, and here’s why.

At 10 sales, you pay for both products and the program fee and make a small profit while you’re at it, but at the same time you’ll be in a position to earn even bigger monthly commissions. But it doesn’t stop there…

As others who have purchased from you begin to sell, you earn commissions from them as well!

If you’re not interested in the math, go ahead and get started now and I’ll fill you in on the additional bonuses after you’re registered. HINT: I will help you get free traffic, leads and sales…

the power of positioning

Here’s the math:

The Power of Positioning: How All It Makes Sense

The Power of Positioning10 $25.00 sales is $250.00. Because of the comp plan, three of those sales are qualifying sales so you keep $175.00. This pays for the overhead of the business and you make $30.00 profit on top of it. ANYTHING you earn after that is pure profit!

Notice that was just the $25.00 sales? You’re qualified to earn 100% commissions on the $100 product as well! Whenever someone upgrades (and most do), you add $100 a month to your income!

The potential is amazing!

A good real-world example… About the 3rd week of January I had 9 people paying me directly on the $25.00 level, and 3 of them we’re paying me directly on the $100 level. This is after qualifying sales, so I was making an extra $500 a month. By the end of January, it was $600 a month!

That’s all of my smaller bills! That could be all of your smaller bills or a car payment, insurance and gas. That’s enough for a lot of people to quit the part time second job they have.

How You Can Leverage The Power of Positioning

How fast can you make 10 sales Now that you understand just how to leverage the power of positioning to make substantial, realistic income every month, how fast you get there is really up to you.

What if I made it even easier?

Join Team Take Massive Action! An Inner Circle Community of Entrepreneurs and Internet Marketers (The Power of Positioning)!

When you join Empower today and partner with me:

  • I will set up your blog and system for you and eliminate all of the “technical stuff.”
  • I will give you tools and training you can use IMMEDIATELY to make money.
  • I will drive traffic to your blog for free.

This basically eliminates just about everything that hinders most people from starting an opportunity, but even more than that, you’ll be a part of our elite team of entrepreneurs and have access to incredible training and support. Take a look.

So now that you understand the power of positioning and you see why so many people are making reliable income with just a few hours per day or week, go ahead and get started right now!

With my bonuses, you don’t have to worry about set up or learning curves either. It’s a pure win/win situation for both of us! Get started now for just $25.00.

the power of positioning

About the author

Entrepreneur, programmer, musician, stay at home uncle, video game aficionado, movie connoisseur, pool shooting junkie... In other words, just an every day regular guy living an extraordinary life and working from home. Enter your name and email address in the form on the left to find out how you can too.

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